Brett Cooper Announces ‘Bittersweet’ Exit from Daily Wire
Brett Cooper, the host of The Daily Wire’s YouTube Channel “The Comments Section,” announced on Tuesday (Dec. 10) her departure from the conservative media outlet.
In what could be considered her final Comments Section episode as presenter, centering on the sexual abuse allegations against hip-hop rapper Shawn Corey “Jay-Z” Carter and his connection to his contemporary Sean “Diddy” Combs, himself embroiled in his own sexual abuse allegations, the 23-year-old actress and commentator stressed that her exit was her personal decision and not because the outlet fired her, according to rumors in the past few weeks.
“It is not true that I am being forced out; it was my own choice to leave, and believe me, this is bittersweet,” Cooper said. “I have had the most unbelievable three years helping to craft the show, building this community, and telling stories and sharing the truth every day.”
She thanked her followers and supporters and said that she was “ready to take on a new direction” both in her personal life and professional career, which she intends to reveal in the future.
“We have had three great years, and I am proud of what we have accomplished together,” Cooper added. “Leaving the show and the platforms that we’ve built is hard, but I’m very excited for what’s to come.”
She also announced that the show’s producer, Reagan Rohrbach, would succeed her as presenter. Rohrbach has been filling in for Cooper in the past few weekends and has been observed as having a similar personal profile as Cooper’s.
Speculations on Cooper’s Daily Wire Exit
Cooper’s farewell message concluded with a statement from The Daily Wire co-founder and CEO Jeremy Boreing, confirming Cooper’s departure and the outlet’s gratitude for the projects she was involved with, including “The Pendragon Cycle.”
“We’re sad to see Brett go, but we’re excited to see her take the next step in her journey,” he said. “Brett’s an amazing talent, both as a personality and as an actress. It’s been a pleasure to see her bring ‘The Comments Section’ to life these last three years, and her performance in ‘The Pendragon Cycle’ is sensational.”
Earlier this year, The Daily Wire lost Black conservative commentator Candace Owens over her perspective in the war between Israel and Hamas, which created conflict with the outlet’s other co-founder and resident Jewish commentator Ben Shapiro.
Supporters of The Daily Wire also often joke about the facial similarities between Shapiro and Cooper.
Owens joins a group of female conservative personalities going independent, like former PragerU content creator Amala Ekpunobi and former American-Australian BlazeTV commentator Sydney Watson. There are speculations that Cooper would follow the same path, but concrete actions of such remain to be seen.
Brett Cooper’s Future Plans
While some social media users speculate that Cooper was fired from The Daily Wire, others theorized that she and her husband, Alex Tombul, bought a farm a few hours outside Nashville, Tennessee, where the outlet’s headquarters is based. They explained that her move outside the city was one of the main factors she considered, if not the primary. A few also speculated that Cooper is pregnant, but there is no evidence of such.
The couple married in April this year, with photos of the wedding day revealing that Rohrbach was her close friend and one of her bridesmaids, as well as Black gay conservative YouTuber Amir Odom, another close friend of Cooper’s, also attending the ceremony.
Cooper, who was raised in an Episcopalian family, also revealed in Chris Williamson’s podcast in July that she is deciding whether to convert to Catholicism, a prospect Owens pursued earlier this year.
It was not revealed if Tombul would accompany his wife in the conversion process, commonly called as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) by American Catholics.
“I credit [the interest in Catholicism] to Michael Knowles,” she told Williamson, naming a fellow Daily Wire presenter who happens to be a Catholic. “The reason why I wanted to explore Catholicism was because … [he made it] sound so incredible. He is just amazing, and he goes to [the Traditional] Latin Mass every Sunday.”
The liturgy Cooper mentioned was the Tridentine Mass some traditionalist Catholic congregations continue to offer in Latin despite the presence of the more modern Mass said in the vernacular the Vatican promulgated in 1969.
Whether Cooper would push through with her conversion to Catholicism remains to be seen.