AEW Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho Faces Troubling Allegations

In a startling turn of events, Chris Jericho, a significant figure in AEW’s early success, is now under scrutiny as unsettling allegations have surfaced online. Nick Hausman, on the Rumor and Innuendo podcast, hinted at stories surrounding Chris Jericho, drawing a parallel to the infamous Harvey Weinstein to emphasize the gravity of the situation.

Hausman expressed discomfort about the widespread praise for Jericho, acknowledging his impact on AEW’s initial days but urging responsible use of influence. He raised concerns about alleged behind-the-scenes issues involving Jericho, suggesting that numerous individuals have been adversely affected by his actions.

Drawing a comparison, Hausman stated, “Harvey Weinstein won a lot of Oscars, Harvey Weinstein produced a lot of very popular films. Harvey Weinstein is now in jail … I’m not saying that is happening to Chris, but the narrative can quickly turn if you’re hiding a lot of skeletons in your closet.”

Further fueling the controversy, a tweet surfaced, alleging an uncomfortable encounter involving Chris Jericho and a woman named Kylie. The tweet suggested that Kylie was invited to Jericho’s room with the understanding that others would be present, only to find herself alone with Jericho, who allegedly made advances, prompting her distress.

Amidst the accusations, another tweet hinted at a broader issue, with an accuser of David Starr speculating how many young women might be contemplating whether it’s safe to speak out about Chris Jericho. Former AEW star Kylie Rae responded to the thread with a red heart emoji, adding a layer of complexity to the unfolding narrative.

As these allegations gain momentum, it remains to be seen how Chris Jericho will respond to the mounting controversy. While these claims are currently rooted in rumor and innuendo, the story is rapidly garnering attention, bringing Jericho’s past actions and conduct into question.