Kahun and ViTel Net join forces to supercharge AI-based clinical assessment

Kahun, the evidence-based, clinical reasoning engine for doctors, launches its partnership with ViTel Net, a pioneer in enterprise virtual care technology. By integrating ViTel Net’s vCareCommand care platform with Kahun’s AI-powered clinical tool, the joint solution delivers unmatched health system efficiency in clinically assessing patients presenting either virtually or in person at both primary and urgent care facilities.

Being a physician has always been a busy job, but the amount of time that healthcare providers can spend with patients has exponentially shrunk in recent years. In fact, physicians would need 26.7 hours a day to provide the recommended level of care to the average number of patients they see daily, according to a recent study by the University of Chicago. This professional strain is especially noticeable in primary and urgent care facilities, where care providers have fewer resources to deal with time-consuming administrative tasks and patient treatment. As a result, healthcare providers spend more face-to-face patient time working on discovery and less on developing comprehensive treatment plans—which can severely impact care invariability.

To help alleviate the strain on urgent and primary care organizations alike, Kahun fully embeds its AI-powered clinical assessment chatbot into ViTel Net’s patented and configurable vCareCommand enterprise virtual care platform. Through a patient-facing clinical program completed during the intake or check-in process, the chatbot works to enrich clinical interactions by granting physicians more quality time to spend with patients and developing comprehensive treatment plans.

The AI chatbot utilizes Kahun’s clinical reasoning engine and knowledge graph to interview the patient the same way a care provider would, dynamically adapting to new lines of clinically- reasoned questioning based on patient responses. As ViTel Net’s vCareCommand also integrates with all standards-based electronic health record (EHR) systems, the interview results are automatically transmitted to the patient’s EHR for the care provider to access before and during the appointment.

Unlike other AI-based solutions, Kahun reasons like a physician and provides transparency into its output, thanks to its clinical reasoning engine which relies on evidence-based knowledge cited in current peer-reviewed articles and medical textbooks. This explainable AI model ensures providers can trace the generative output to the original medical publication to support clinical decisions and deliver more reliable recommendations.

By accelerating the intake process through dependable generative AI results, healthcare professionals can better utilize their time with the patient and gain a respite from the intense administrative and cognitive burden in an urgent and primary care setting. It also significantly reduces the variability of care that can often coincide with stressful clinical environments by providing a basis for care providers to build high-quality treatment plans.

“We are always looking for ways to improve provider efficiency for our health system partners,” says Mark Noble, ViTel Net’s Chief Operating Officer. “Kahun’s leading AI chatbot clinical assessment capability eliminates the time providers traditionally spend in discovery and enables them to focus on treatment plans.  This can save several minutes per visit for the provider and reduces care variability.”

“Partnering with ViTel Net as an integrated part of its configurable workflow platform enables us to focus on our core AI and machine learning technology while delivering complete clinical solutions that match the health system’s unique environment and use case,” says Michal Tzuchman Katz, MD, Co-Founder, and CEO of Kahun.